Analysis of Student teaching internship

Analysis of internship

Learning Experience 

When examining my day from the very beginning to the very end. When I get up, I am eager to leave for Eight Corners Primary School to hear about my students’ day, teach them new fascinating lessons, and be in a welcoming environment that motivates me every day. The importance of learning from my students and coworkers has been clear to me this year. This year, more than ever, I realized how unique each student is and how important it is to keep this in mind when preparing, delivering instruction, and conducting assessments. My classroom includes having a diverse mix of students with IEPS, 504 plans, ELL learners, and students above grade level. I was able to better prepare for my lessons with support for every student in the classroom with the help of my cooperating teacher, information about each student’s accommodations and needs, and collaboration with other educators in the school. In order for every student to feel pushed in their own learning and achieve their individual goals, I have used scaffolding and enrichment materials for hands-on learning in classrooms. To make sure I had enough time to work with each student one-on-one to fulfill their specific learning goals, I used small group instruction. I established the groundwork for my difference in my special education courses, and this year’s classroom experience has really demonstrated it. Every student deserves a welcoming environment that caters to their needs, and I’ll make sure to uphold this when I eventually have my own classroom. This year has shown me that effective instructors are adaptable. They are aware that situations will develop in the classroom, students might need more practice time, they might show greater comprehension than was anticipated, and lessons might not go as planned. I would say that when I first started student teaching, I wasn’t as adaptable as I am today. I did my best to arrange lessons down to the minute and to account for the possibility that students would finish an assignment early. I now have a better grasp on what it really means to be adaptable and open to change. I now know better to be flexible because unexpected events will happen, and I have learnt to adjust as necessary. I was able to adapt better with the help of my cooperating teacher and after observing her flexibility with the schedule. Being ready with a backup plan, being more adaptable with the schedule by relocating blocks or adding more time within a block, and being willing to change the schedule to fit the needs of the students are all things I have focused on. For students to succeed, teachers must be adaptable. By being able to adjust to various circumstances and the demands of students. I am eager to continue learning new things in order to be the best teacher possible for my future students because I have learned so much over the past year.

Analysis of internship

Professional Development 

My education is not complete. I am aware that I am a lifelong learner, and I want to show my students how much I enjoy learning. I have learned a lot of new things that I will keep with me and use to teach reflectively in the future. I’ll keep working on strengthening my classroom management skills. Every class is distinct from the one before it, using various strategies and techniques that will be effective for some students but not for others. As a classroom community, we established a class promise at the beginning of my student teaching experience. We would attempt to uphold this as a class without reflecting on it repeatedly, but this was not as successful as other tactics my cooperating teacher and I have done. While this might have been successful in another classroom, we needed to find new, inventive ways to engage the students if we wanted to see the results and benefits of having expected students.  With time spent in the classroom, I was able to construct “Class VS Ms. Fedor” during my solo teaching. Something that motivated the students to uphold expected behavior in order to win additional choice time, which they eagerly anticipated at the conclusion of the day. On some days, we did not earn the extra choice time, but with time, I discovered that the class needs to see you uphold the promise you made. Giving consequences and attempting to avoid becoming a reactive teacher has been difficult for me. I am learning and improving in my understanding of the necessity for proactive teachers to uphold these objectives and positively reinforce students who behave as expected. After observing a direct impact, I will continue to apply this classroom management technique consistently and won’t switch to another one because it might take some time. I’ll keep honing my classroom management techniques and practicing being a proactive teacher in order to improve both my students and my own teaching abilities. Setting clear objectives and preventing disruptive behavior are all benefits of effective classroom management.  I’ve fought with comparison and will keep discovering that no two classrooms are the same. I struggled to engage my students in quiet individual work. Considering that they are a lively group.I struggled since I wasn’t sure how to set these expectations in the most effective way. After speaking with other teachers and reading “Yardsticks” by Chip Wood, recommended by other educators. A new set of expectations were clear to me. I now have a greater understanding of how to work with the students’ strengths, as well as what motivates them—for example, extra choice time—and how they do best in group settings. I’ll keep coming up with new strategies for meeting student needs, setting clear standards for the classroom, and maintaining a reliable classroom management system.

Analysis of internship


I believe by reflecting on my student teaching, there have been many aspects I enjoy. My ability to collaborate with others has been a big asset during this year of student teaching. Due to the wide variety of learners I have in my class, I have had the chance to connect with and forge relationships with other teachers at Eight Corners Primary. The phonics block was lasting longer than expected because students were having trouble maintaining their attention. I was able to get in touch with the literacy coach for the Scarborough schools, and together we were able to develop block period target goals and the most effective strategy to increase engagement. After being able to employ her techniques and co-teach with her, the students were very engaged. I then contacted the academic support team to ask for guidance on how to help my students who were having trouble keeping pace. Together, we were able to come up with creative solutions, such as using solely the vowel sounds in words to help everyone accomplish their goal on their own terms. I cherished being able to work in a collaborative environment to best serve my students and create connections throughout the school. All teachers contribute fresh and unique ideas to the classroom. I have been able to establish genuine ties with my students this year. Students must feel secure and trusted around you in order to establish a relationship in order to foster an inclusive and inviting classroom. I was able to develop a great deal of empathy thanks to my diversified upbringing. This year, I’ve had the incredible chance to interact with students and establish myself as a dependable educator. Before my solo teaching, I was able to take my students for walks to chat about their emotions or take motor breaks in order to create that relationship with them. During student teaching, I had a student that was physically aggressive. I communicated that we can convey our feelings in different ways. After recess days later, she approached me to talk because she was upset. I was really moved to observe the impact of your words on children and how supporting them will result from having a positive impact. During my student teaching, I made use of my creativity. Since every student has a unique learning style, I was able to modify lessons to play to each student’s strengths. I had the opportunity to use my creativity as I worked with the curriculum to get the students up from their seats and engaged with the materials firsthand. As a result, there was a higher level of engagement and the students felt more at ease in their working environment. I used technology into my everyday lessons using my creative skills, by giving my student and I access to these materials. I feel that I have made use of and integrated my personal abilities into my teaching career. Through my student teaching experience, I have also developed my passion and discovered new strengths.

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