Marissa Fedor
EDU 206
Reflection 1
Standard 1:
The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
My project demonstrates a timeline of language and reading development. Within my developmental timeline I have listed the age range where students should be developmentally appropriate to comprehend and gain certain skills within fluent reading and language. Even though there is a timeline to track progress and where students should be, teachers should understand that each student develops differently. As future educators we want to make sure students are developing in a safe process, provide students with extra support, provide students with equal and fair chances and engage students within the classroom with these life long skills such as feedback, personal learning goals and connections to the real world. My project also demonstrates different reading stages, assessments, language comprehension and early and emergent readers. As well in my project it breaks down the timeline more within learning spoken language and how the brain is influenced as well as components of speaking and understanding the language and the levels of acquisition, hierarchy and vocabulary when used within this topic of developments.
My artifact demonstrates standard one though the teacher understands how students learn and develop. Within my project it breaks down the levels of what they are capable of learning as well what they are working towards and developing. An example can include working towards fluent reading by the age of 3-5 students should work on their sounds and syllables and sound out the words. An example teachers can look out for is if students within this age level can distinguish and name individual sounds in the word and sound out some words which is understanding the way students are learning as well what they are developing. This as well relates to standard one because recognizing patterns of learning, if students are struggling within a certain area of a topic it is important for the teacher to be able to identify the issues students may be facing and what support is needed to help strengthen their skills. If students are struggling with individual word recognition they will struggle with decoding to fluency. Standard one as well talks about development can vary to the individual student. As a future educator my artifact talks about the importance of the way students develop differently. It is important to use different strategies to make sure all different types of learning are processing the information and making sure it is developmentally appropriate. We want to ensure as teachers that we are not enforcing stress on students and hurting the development of the brain, provide support as needed such as understanding where they are struggling and what we can do to help, bringing support into the classroom to ensure students are given fair and equal opportunities and produce engaging content for lifelong learning and skills. We want to provide feedback, personal learning goals, connect lessons to the real world, bring in movement and get input on what students want to learn. Allowing for understatement of differentiation within students will allow for developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences which is stated in standard one. Not every student is getting the same level of support at home and it is important to reach their developmentally appropriate learning level. It is important to identify where they are struggling and what support to help the student with. An example can be if they are struggling with speaking and understanding language within the component of phonological coding and the class is on auditory word form activated the student will struggle and we want to make sure we are giving them the appropriate learning levels demonstrated in my artifact. I think my artifact perfectly demonstrates standard one and the goals behind it.