Classroom Management Artifact & Reflection 2

Classroom Management 

Marissa Fedor 

Artifact & Reflection 


Standard 3:

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation 


This is a case study about a first grade student named Cody. The teacher is concerned over this behavior and has an action plan to help him regulate himself. Cody struggles with physical aggression, gets removed and loss of recess, does not engage in conversation and cry’s, hits and screams which leads to the teacher not knowing how to help the student and keep the other students safe. 

Connection to standard:

This artifact connects to standard 3 though the teacher working with the student to improve the learning environment for the student to improve on their social, emotional, and academic success. This artifact reflects on standard 3 through creating a learning environment that supports students’ needs. In the classroom when Cody gets frustrated he acts out in physical aggression, it is important for the teacher to understand the importance of giving students a place where he can regulate himself as well as other support within his individual growth. The teacher should understand that Cody is acting in a certain way due to something that may trigger him or he may feel not included or laughed at. The teacher should set non- negotiables and expectations at the beginning of the year. Setting expectations will allow the students to understand what the classroom community includes and having non- negotiables for the students to understand that this is not classroom behavior. For Cody to be supported individually the teacher should create targeted goals and be proactive to know why Cody acts in a certain way, how to help the students and how to support the student. This is a part of standard 3 due to the fact that we are creating an inclusive learning environment for the teacher to support Cody with his individual needs. Standard 3 as well talks about collaboration and encouraging positive social interaction in the classroom environment. An example of this is the teacher should understand that Cody gets upset when students laugh at him which leads him to get defensive and act in a certain way. Cody is expressing his emotions. One way to build collaboration in this classroom is having a zone of regulation for all students. Students will be able to have individual ways to regulate their emotions such as using fidgets, taking a walk and going to the peace place. The teacher should have posted the class vision board to use as an example of what a classroom community looks like and how students can follow these expectations. The teacher should read the students a book about classroom community which can as well help students like Cody. This book can be brought into a mini lesson about how we should treat our friends and expressing how we feel. An example can be when Cody feels students are laughing at him he can join in and ask what the students are laughing about. The students can as well make posters to display what makes everyone special and interests that they enjoy which can lead to similar interest and Cody can build and make friendships through positive social interactions. The teacher should as well not take away recess due to it can frustrate Cody and distract him from the rest of the school day. Standard 3 as well discusses active engagement and self motivation for the student. Active engagement can be seen through the teacher being able to produce the support needed for Cody. Such as having a peace place, talking to a guidance counselor and positive social interactions. Having the teacher be  proactive and just not pulling Cody out of the classroom and not letting him practicipate in recess, when doing these things it will lead for Cody to be disengaged from the classroom and as well take away his motivation mentioned in standard 3. By giving the student the individual support and targeted goals will lead for active engagement as well as building his self motivation though having these positive academic and social emotional interactions.


This artifact and standard 3 worked together because Cody struggles in the learning environment in the classroom which lead to him having behavior issues as well not the support needed for him to be successful. This relates to my future career because it is important that each student gets the support they need to be successful. Being a proactive teacher by figuring out what is occurring for Cody to act this way in class. Kids do not choose to act bad; it is Cody’s way of reaching out for help and support. Standard 3 goes into how teachers should make the environment safe for each student and how we can help create and support the environment for them. Being a proactive teacher will allow for the other students to be safe in the classroom and give Cody the help he needs. Setting clear goals, expectations, non- negotiables, vision board, peace place , zones of regulation and providing Cody with individual support will help bring support for the classroom community.