Educational law Artifact & Reflection

Artifact Link:

Standard 6:

    The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to document learners progress, and to guide the teachers on- going planning and instruction.

Artifact Description:

    This artifact is a Case Study on a student named Jacob.  The student struggles to perform to the expectations in the classroom environment. The parents and the school struggle to compromise on goals for Jacob and how these goals will be executed. The parents stated that he performs better with certain needs however the school provided the needs but they are not what the parents wanted. They insist that the school should pay for outside needs, however the school has provided Jacob with support and accommodations needed for academic and behavioral success. Testing has been done again to make sure his needs are being fulfilled by the school district. 

Connection to Standard:

    Standard 6 supports my artifact through assessment of the student. It states the teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessments to engage the learners. Within my case study Jacob has completed a six week evaluation through play bases assignments. The play based assessment was to determine due to Jacob struggling to sit still for a formal assessment. This connects to standard 6 beaches the teachers implemented the appropriate use of assessment to support and verify then document. Jacobs was tested on communication skills, social interactions skills, cognitive verbal and non verbal skills and his mother skills. This relates to standard 6 because the assessment matched the learning objectives in an appropriate way. The student was able to work independently on an assessment that way play based to support his needs on struggling to complete formal assignments so it was not biased and it can not distort assessment results. It is important to provide students with appropriately designed assignments that match the learning objectives filled with balance to get the learner engaged and the most accountable results to support the student. Standard 6 as well talks about providing growth, document learners progress, and to guide the teacher on- going planning and instruction. This fits with my artifact because once the play based assessment was performed the IEP was calculated to provide Jacob with the tools he needs to meet his targeted goals such as speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and school psychologist.This allows for test to provide feedback and ways to support Jacob through accommodations and support. This data identified where the student was struggling and ways to help the student. The test was very effective and modeled many different appropriate ways to support Jacob within the classroom.  The teacher and staff of the school district were able to analyze the results and provide meaningful feedback as well as positive impacts and strategies within support. The accommodations and supports that were given allowed for targeted growth for Jacob, documented process from the first play based assessment to when the support are given to see progress and the teacher understanding what to bring into her lessons and instruction to provide Jacob with his needs such as having a peace place, fidgets, use of technology, differentiation within lesson, texting conditions and understanding his accommodations with using language he needs and reporting on his progress through his own targeted goals. 

Reflection and Connection to career:

    This artifact connects to standard 6 through understanding assessments. It is important to make sure we are testing with balance through appropriate support and documented learning. The assessments should match the learning objectives to get the correct information and objective we are looking for within the assessment. This is important with my future career because I will be using formative and summative assessments as well and understanding how testing works for the individual student. Once the testing has results it is important to understand that we must provide feedback to guide their progress and meet their targets goals through being a proactive teacher. We want to engage the learner and examine their own thinking. It is crucial that we use appropriate assessments to identify the learners’ needs and use appropriate accommodations. As a future educator it is important to understand the range and different purposes of testing and the appropriate assessment to address learning goals and individual differences. We have to understand how to analyze the data to provide accountable accommodations and support fit for the individual needs. As well we should understand how to keep communication as well as monitoring the accommodations. We want to make sure we understand our students strengths and weaknesses and how to address them appropriately with the correct support.