Intervention Plan

Intervention Plan

Marissa Fedor 

Grade: One (Literacy: phonemic awareness, decoding/phonics+word work, fluency,& comprehension) Special Education referral from academic support for reading 

Existing Data: write in which assessment was used and the score.  (Not a lot of data due to student being in first grade) 

Highlight red if below benchmark

Describe patterns in error analysis and/or diagnostic testing:

Guess words based on the first letter, or what would fit into the sentence. 

Will memorize words rather than using decoding strategies.

Can use recognizable letters and the first sound in a word but cannot decode the rest of the words. 

Will not attempt or apply strategies to decode for new words. 

Describe patterns from assessment data for targeting instruction:

He is demonstrating strengths in sound blends orally. Additionally, it is on target level for phonemic awareness assessment 1st grade from B Heggerty Assessment. 

He is demonstrating needs in the areas of segmenting, isolating and substituting. He is below benchmark in phonological awareness, phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, and comprehension in informational text. He is indicating that he is using memory skills rather than decoding and encoding strategies. 

Describe any additional qualitative or quantitative data to help you make instructional decisions (e.g., behavioral considerations):

Despite the student’s needs in functional literacy, he is trying onset fluency, final sounds and medial sounds (sounds spoken in words). 

This student has a lack of confidence in reading and often gets distracted. 

Will pass on a word when reading rather than using decoding strategies.

Describe any additional needed assessments:

This student will not need other assessments in other subjects.

Additionally testing will occur in CVC words and isolation for referral into Special Education.

Instructional Plan

Describe quantitative changes to the instruction (dosage/time and learning environment):

The student is currently in the process of moving into a higher level of support. Student is currently in academic support and is in the process of testing to move into special education for the general education classroom block for reading. This will allow for the special education teacher to provide the SPIRE curriculum for the students needs. 

Area of need: Segmenting, deleting and substituting. 

Describe qualitative changes to the instruction (cognitive processing strategies and delivery of instruction):

Individual goals 

Small group instruction

Modeling and scaffolding 

Progress Monitoring

What specific measure will you use to monitor progress

He is in the process of a special education referral. To monitor progress while still in academic support, this will be provided by “Leveled Literacy Intervention”. The following test that will monitor progress is CVC assessment then moving into SPIRE once approved for special education. 

How does this align with the patterns in the data and instructional changes?

The CVC assessment will measure the students ability to decode words. This will allow for students to use strategies rather than memorization skills. The goal for students will be to reach a score of 85%. 

How often will you administer it?

Once a week. 

How will you know when the skills are mastered?

80%-100% each test with all three tests with different components within six weeks.