Educational Law Artifact & Reflection

Artifact Link:

Standard 10:

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Artifact Description:

    My group reached a parent network called G.E.A.R. This advocacy group is a free support for parents and caregivers about learning more about their child’s diagnosis and ways to help regulate their behavior. G.E.A.R is a crisis and counseling that is run by parents for parents offering many different ways of support. 

Connection to Standard:

    This artifact connects to standard 10 because of the use of collaboration. Standard 10 states the teacher seeks for appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning. To be a proactive teacher the students need different types of support. The students in the class may need outside support and the teacher has responsibility to understand why the student is not meeting their goals within the classroom. The teacher has to take responsibility for student learning and understand learnership roles but when students struggle to meet the goal, the teacher should take responsibility for the students learning and provide them with the support needed for the student to be academic and socially emotional successful. Teachers should know of advocacy groups that support students and parents such as G. E.A.R. This is working to find appropriate learnership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for the students learning because the teacher is providing the students with the support they need. Within a group like G.E.A.R they can offer counseling services where the student can have their behavior support met and the teacher will be able to understand the issue in the classroom and bring awareness and support.  The teacher is taking an active role being a part of the students support team and prodding the student with support and receiving feedback. As well the teacher is analyzing the students data from different sources to provide the support needed and shared responsibility in decision making for accountability for the students individual learning which supports standard 10. Within standard 10 it states collaboration with learners, families, colleagues to ensure learners growth. This works alongside my artifact because the teacher is seeking other professionals to work with the students alongside colleagues and the students parents. The team of support of the students is establishing ongoing communication to support the learners’ development with mutual expectations. My artifact supports seeking appropriate opportunities for the student to get the support needed through collaboration. The teacher understands connections to resources such as G.E.A.R will support the learners needs, enhance collaboration with the student team and set expectations for growth. Working in collaboration with G.E.A.R will allow the family to get information they need and they support individuals for themself and their student. 

Reflection and Connection to career:

I wanted to write about the importance of collaboration within my artifact because when working with a student the parents’ concerns and requests are very important when working as a team to meet the goals of the student. Having connections and knowing resources outside of the classroom is very important to support the different needs of our students. Collaboration was a huge factor within my artifact when Providing resources to parents and also making sure that we are giving the students the right support to see academically and social emotional Development as well as meeting targeted goals and following up with parents, resources used such as G.E.A.R and tracking the students progress. This connects to my future career because collaboration is a huge part of IEP meetings. Teachers understand the reason the student is not reaching their targeted goals or not being that successful within the classroom. Once the teacher can identify the reason it is important to present different strategies and ideas to the team on ways we can support students such as outside resources like G.E.A.R and reasons why this resource will be beneficial to the student and keep following up with the team to see progress towards the students goals. Understanding the role of collaboration and how to work collaboratively with students and their families to establish expectations, support and ongoing communication is an important way to support the learners’ development and achievement.