Supporting Students with Autism Reflection & Artifact

Artifact Link:

Standard 3:

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

Artifact Description:

The artifact I believe best fits this standard is the assignment called, “There Is A Time And Place For Everything”. This assignment is a slideshow about a student named Dylan. Dylan is a kindergarten student who loves sports and loves to talk about sports. He is working on skills to talk about sports during a certain time in the classroom.

Connection to Standard:

This artifact connects to standard three for many reasons. I believe this artifact is a good example of this standard because the artifact is purely about creating a learning environment for a learner or learners that supports individual and collaborative learning. This artifact is about a student named Dylan who struggles to know when and when not to comment or talk about sports. This is a problem because he often interrupts class and distracts students. This is an issue for the teacher because she must find a way to get him to understand when it is the right time to talk about sports. To do this the teacher supports standard three by encouraging positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self motivation. The teacher does this by finding a way to control Dylan’s behavior which works well. Dylan now knows when it is okay to talk about sports and when not to. The teacher has done this by telling him that he cannot speak over her or distract others when it is work time. Moreover, Dylan knows when the teacher says “we need to stay on task” that it is work time. In addition to this, he also knows that when he wants to talk about sports, instead of proceeding to talk and distract the other students, he simply says, “sports time?” and the teacher will respond either saying yes or “we need to stay on task”. This is supporting his individual needs in standard 3 by supporting the individual. This as well is allowing Dylan to be encouraging positive social interaction through his passion of sports while active engagement in learning which supports standard 3. This artifact supports this standard because the teacher allows Dylan freedom of expression within regulation. Furthermore, this artifact also demonstrates metacognitive engagement because the teacher thinks of how Dylan will respond and react to her rules and methods so she self evaluates what she thinks the best plan of action is by being observant and patient with Dylan. 

Reflection and Connection to career:

I chose this artifact because it allowed me to understand how having a classroom Management system is a very important aspect within the classroom. Creating a vision board and working with each student’s individual needs will allow them to perform at their best to reach their personal goals both academically, socially, and development emotionally. By having a system in place for Dylan to express himself and talk about his passion it allowed him to have time to talk as well as having a system set up so Dylan knows appropriate times to communicate about something that is off topic. Having systems in place to reach students and having goals for them allows them to be accountable and have success in the classroom. It is important to support students and provide the support they need through being a proactive teacher. The choices the teacher made and the way she goes about taking action is how I hope to be as a future educator, as I believe the teacher did a great job handling this situation which is working with Dylan to create a positive social interaction, by not distracting the other students, and engaging him in learning while still giving him times to talk about sports. This will help within my future career as an educator because of setting up behavior management strategies. I will maintain a routine, use positive Language, establish guidelines and model ideal behaviors. This will help within my future career because as a future educator I will be working with students who have different needs to be individually successful in the classroom. Having a behavior management plan for each student will lead them to feel comfortable in the environment by being a proactive teacher through making connections, regulation, and flexibility.