Supporting Students with Autism Reflection & Artifact

Artifact Link:

Standard 7:

    The teacher draws upon knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals.

Artifact Description:

This artifact is a class daily schedule that has embedded goals from the students IEP and supports and accommodations. During Jame’s schedule his IEP has goals that he is trying to work towards and met within the school day. Each block of the day targets different goals within the IEP and has supports and accommodations to help Jame’s meet these goals though having supports and accommodations.

Connection to Standard:

    This artifact connects to the standard by focusing on meeting the students learning goals through supports and accommodations. Standard 7 focuses on instructing learners through choosing the appropriate accommodations and strategies that each student requires. In addition to this, the standard also states, the instructor knows when and how to change plans based on assessment information and learner responses. This reflects on my artifact due to integrating inclusive IEP goals within Jame’s class daily schedule. When James first starts the day he transitions into school. One of his goals is unstructured time. One way the teacher can accommodate and support Jame is by having a personal checklist to manage his materials and prepare for the next activity. This follows standard 7 because we are embedding support to his goals within the school day. This as well supports standard 7 though the teacher understands upon knowledge of content areas to support his learning goals. An example can be seen in Jame’s math black where he works towards problem solving strategies, simple math problems and dealing with frustration. With the teacher understanding the content within the math block James can have his goals being met though the support given to help him be successful in the classroom environment. He is provided with structure, timed breaks, graph paper, manipulatives, modified assignments/ tests and simplified directions. This shows how his needs are being met and how the teacher’s knowledge on the context area was important as well of her understanding when in specialist like how Jame’s prefers having headphones which is within understanding cross–disciplinary skills seen in standard 7. 

Reflection and Connection to career:

    This standard supports the artifact I selected. Jame’s needed accommodations and support embedded into this class daily schedule. The accommodations and supports change how students can access and learn the material provided to fit their needs. Providing information to fit the students individual needs allows him to have academic and social emotional support while not changing the expectations for the students. As teachers we want to provide students with equal access to learning and opportunities to show their ability. By giving the students support and accommodations they will be tailored to their individual needs. Some students may not need a checklist within the school day while others may. Each student learns differently and as educators we want to provide and support each student to learn and feel successful. This connects to my future career by being an inclusive teacher. My future classroom will include adaptability, collaboration with colleagues to support students, communication so the students understand the objective and listening skills to apply what the students have stated. I want to work with my students to build targeted goals to help, empower, and promote learning to my students. They will also be welcomed in my classroom and by being a proactive teacher I will identify where they need support and how to provide the support so they can be a successful student with positive reinforcement.