Supporting Students with Autism Reflection & Artifact

Artifact Link:

Standard 3:

Beginning special education professionals use knowledge of general and specialized curriculum to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities.

Artifact Description:

    This artifact is a class daily schedule that has embedded goals from the students IEP and supports and accomodates. During Jame’s schedule his IEP has goals that he is trying to work towards and met within the school day. Each block of the day targets different goals within the IEP and has supports and accommodations to help Jame’s meet these goals though having supports and accommodations

Connection to Standard:

    This artifact connects to my standard by supporting the student with individualized learning for students. My artifact reflects on standard 3 because of understanding the knowledge within the general and specialized curriculum. With James’ class daily schedule he is following the general education curriculum, he has blocks and focuses on meeting goals. The goals are with the special education teacher and her knowledge of how to support the student to meet his goals and what accommodations can be made with his class daily schedule to be successful. An example of this standard can be seen with Jame’s reading block. During this block James struggles with high frequency words, problem solving strategies, and dealing with frustration. All of these academic struggles James has are IEP goals that he is working toward improving. To support these goals he is provided with structure, timed breaks, and simplified directions. From the teachers knowledge for the curriculum James has individual learning goals with support and accommodations to provide for his needs to allow him to reach his full potential. Standard 3 also supports my artifact through the curriculum to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities. My artifact supports individualized learning though having different support systems and accommodations with the embedded goals in the IEP through the daily class schedule. Not every student in the class will need a checklist during the day but providing the student with the checklist allows them to have their individualized learning through different supports. Each student has different needs and providing James with his own goals to reach holds him accountable to reaching academic success.

Reflection and Connection to Career:

    This standard supports the artifact I selected. James needed accommodations and support embedded into this class daily schedule. It is important for the teachers to be able to understand the targeted learning goals for the student. Learning targets guide teachers on that they should teach the student to meet their individual learning goals. It is important to use learning targets to determine what behaviors teachers should be looking for in the classroom and lagging skills. This as well can demonstrate the level of knowledge they have in a skill. Teachers should align learning objectives with instructional strategies to ensure that each student is aware of the expectations and can reach full potential. To have a successful inclusive classroom environment students need more support and should be given accommodations to help them be successful in the classroom. Students learn at different paces and are at different levels though differentiation, goals and use of accommodations students will be able to have their goals met. This connects to my future career because it is important to be flexible and be proactive to be aware of the students needs and ways to help students. As well this reflects on the collaboration I will be working with other staff members and parents to make sure the student is on track and has specific goals to ensure they are getting a fulfilled education. It is very important to ensure each student’s needs are being met and goals are being accomplished.