Teaching Reading Artifact & Reflection

Artifact Link:


Standard: Standard 10, Collaboration

    The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Artifact Description: 

    My artifact is about working one-on-one in tutoring sessions with other students at UNE. For this I worked with some freshman friends and freshmen on the cheer team. The main reason I tutored most of these students is because they struggled to write essays. My goal while tutoring them was to help them learn some important skills while working with me and receive a better grade on their assignment. As I am a junior and they have just begun their college careers’ I have learned more skills than them. This allows for me to share with them what I did that helped me be successful. I also then walked through the assignments each student was struggling with and began helping them. 

Connection to standard:

    This artifact greatly supports standard ten, collaboration. This standard states that the instructor works directly with the learners in order to support learner development. Moreover, this is an example of a time I demonstrated standard ten part A within this artifact. By reading what my peers wrote and helping them improve their work grammatically and add additional details, I followed standard ten part a. This is because working with students independently allows the teacher to provide the support needed for the students individual goals and success. By providing the support they needed I was able to focus on the skills that need improving and as well highlighting that the students need very well in for positive reinforcement. If this was a future student in my classroom I would be able to provide worksheets or centers focusing on the skills that need improvement to have their goals met. As part A state’s, taking an active role in the instructional team giving feedback to ensure learner growth and success I did exactly this. I took an active role by being an academic and social emotional support for the student. Having a peer enables them to feel in a safe environment where they are comfortable to ask questions and ask for help. This allowed me to understand the vision board that I want to set up in my future classroom to ensure an inclusive learning environment and each student has a say to what they want and need from the teacher as well as having goals met in the classroom. Furthermore, I also demonstrate standard 10 within this artifact in another way. This standard states that the individual engages in professional learning, while contributing to help them within their work. This was demonstrated though the student being engaged in the corrections to building an essay fits their needs and they believe that is the best of their ability and something they are proud of. The students helped within their work by applying corrections, building new skills and applying the skills they learned further in the essays or next time we met. I believe working within the tutoring experience has allowed me to enhance new skills to improve on how to help my students with individual goals and collaboration. 

Reflection and connection to career: 

    This experience allowed me to effectively help them and improve their skills. In addition to helping them succeed, I also got more exposure teaching others. This is the first time however I had the opportunity to work with older students. I usually work with six to twelve year old students, so this was a great experience for me to improve my skills while helping those who need help. This as well has a connection to my career by being a proactive teacher. It is important to support students within their individual needs and by experiencing tutoring I have been able to apply the importance of differentiation into lesson plans due to each student having different ways of learning new materials. Meeting with students has also developed my skills on being the best educator for my students by providing them with support and just not providing the students with the answer by giving them the support and materials they need to be academically successful. I think setting goals within my tutoring experience as well has helped to in the future create goals for my students to hold them accountable.